”Amitayus, ” also called ”Western Longevity Buddha,” is transformed from Amitabha. He carries a longevity treasure vase as his emblem. If one can drink the nectar from the longevity treasure vase one will be healthy and have a long life.
–Grnad Master Living Buddha Lian-sheng


【Amitayus Mudra :】 Meditation MudraMeditation Mudra

Open both palms horizontally facing up and place the right palm on top of the left with the tips of the thumbs touching. (Place the palms below the navel)

【Amitayus Seed Syllable :】amitayus seed syllable

Seh (red in color)

【Amitayus Mantra :】

「Om。ah-ma-re-ni。zu- wen-di-ye。so-ha。」

【Amitayus Dharmalakṣaṇa Brief Introduction】

Red Amitayus (”Longevity Buddha”) has one head and two arms. He wears a Five-Buddha crown with his hair in a topknot and a long, silky skirt with a celestial garment as the upper layer. His body is embellished with precious jewels. He displays all the magnificence of a Buddha’s blissful body. His hands form the Meditation Mudra and in his palms he holds a Longevity Treasure Vase. He sits on a lotus moon disc with legs crossed in the vajra position.

【Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu Dharma Talk – Amitayus Background and the Unique Benefits of the Amitayus Practice】

”Amitayus, ” also called ”Western Longevity Buddha,” is transformed from Amitabha. He carries a longevity treasure vase as his emblem. If one can drink the nectar from the longevity treasure vase one will be healthy and have a long life.

Amitayus is surrounded by Dakinis of the four karmic actions, purification, enhancement, harmonization, and subjugation. Together they collect the great essences of the five major elements of earth, water, fire, wind, and emptiness, as well as attracting longevity, wisdom, good fortune and merit.

Amitayus helps one avoid disasters and can deliver spirits to be reborn in the pure buddha land. The tremendous radiant bright red light of Amitayus is deep and profound. This illuminating light can increase one’s wisdom and fortune, remove the karma of illness, increase respect and love, harmonize family relationships, remove all disasters and difficulties, and turn away all enemies.

Infinite Life Sutra says, ”The formidable divine light of the Infinite Life Buddha is supreme among buddhas.”

As written in the Buddhist sutras, by chanting the ”Amitayus” mantra one increases one’s lifespan, acquires good fortune and wisdom, avoids untimely or accidental death, removes all negative karma, and accomplishes non-death or is reborn the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. By practicing ”Amitayus” one can prevent illness, attain prosperity and longevity, enhance virtuous affinities, and eradicate bad influences. Through one’s worldly endeavors one may prolong ones longevity.

The most significant feature of Amitayus is the nectar bottle he holds. His mudra is the traditional meditation mudra except that it does not form a circle. The right hand is atop the left hand while the tips of his thumbs are touching. His mantra is ”Om, ah-ma-re-ni, zu- wen-di-ye, so-ha” and his body is red. Amitabha, who is also called the Longevity Buddha, is the origin of Amitayus. Now that we have the image, mudra, and mantra of Amitayus, we have the Amitayus Sadhana.

The nectar bottle, the primary symbol of Amitayus, can be used to bless and deliver sentient beings. It can also purify sentient beings, treat their illnesses, lengthen their lifespan, enhance their health, and perform many other incredible functions. For this reason Amitayus is also called Amritaraja, King of Nectar Tathagata. Amitabha is another name for Amitayus. He is also called Infinite Life Buddha, Infinite Light Buddha, and Great Light Buddha. They are all one and the same deity.

Buddhists greet each other by saying ”Amitabha” whereas Taoist practitioners or seniors greet each other by saying ”Amitayus.” Actually, the two deities are one and the same. Amitabha is the buddha of infinite life and boundless light.

”Amitayus, Ushnishavijaya, and White Tara” are all emanation bodies of great compassion. They bring good health, peace and prosperity. Together they are called the ”Three Longevity Buddhas,” or ”Three Deities of Longevity.”

Amitayus (Longevity Buddha) Sadhana

!!Please be aware that before engaging in any True Buddha Vajrayana practices, one must first take refuge and receive the respective empowerment.!!

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