弘傳佛法 凈化人心
菩提報業 功在千秋
同行善事 廣結善緣
1993年任世界「華光功德會」會長,會址設在加拿大溫哥華。在任期間,積極參與國際災難救緩活動,捐款捐物資不落人後,關心災區民生疾苦,曾走訪美國、加拿大、英國、法國、臺灣、馬來西亞、印尼、香港、新加坡等國家數十城市和地區,先後協助成立九十一所「華光功德會」分會,遍布世界各地。許多分會經過多年努力,現已成為當地慈善救濟主流,成績斐然。尤其在東南亞國家各地走訪期間,每每舉辦千人慈善晚宴,為當地募集善款,招募義工,帶動社會善風,濟助災難,不但用佛法的精神力量佈施,更以實際物力財力送去災區,其中僅向溫哥華食物銀行捐贈的白米即已逾四十萬磅,各種救緩食品物資更是不計其數,幫助溫哥華聖喬瑟夫醫院購買鐳射治療機器械,捐助多間醫療康復中心、溫東教育中心成立電腦室,捐助士達孔拿社區兒童福利牙醫診所的興建、無疆界醫生組織、BC兒童醫院、加拿大癌症中心、加拿大小兒麻疹協會、加拿大紅十字協會等地方和國際機構和組織,為溫哥華貧困學童特別設立的「兒童輔助專案」,為中小學貧困學童提供營養食物和生活日用品、購物卡等;免費語言班,1995年開始,華光學院為移民提供第二語言教學,逾千名新移民報名參加;免費報稅服務,2002年,華光學院與稅務局合作,聘請會計師培訓報稅義工,每年為新移民和退休人士、低收入家庭報稅,受惠民眾數以千計;就業技能班,不定期聘請專業教師,如電腦、繪畫、手工藝等,為有需要人士提供興趣技能培訓;年度獎學金,自1993年以來,累計頒發250多項獎學金,幫助成績優秀貧困學子完成學業;慈善廚房和游民熱食專案,從2015年開始,免費為無家可歸者提供午餐飯盒累計達四萬份;食品再利用專案,疫情期間每月向社區低收入家庭和貧困學童、老人派送數千磅食品,榮獲加拿大最大食品救援機構Second Harvest 2023年「 食品救援獎」提名,成為全加五名提名中BC省唯一被提名慈善機構;新冠救濟專案,於疫情三年中向受疫情影響的失業者和貧困人士援助食品累計達46萬磅;而年度最大盛事「冬令愛心大行動」和「華光社區關懷日」,在三級政府和數十所社區慈善機構共同見證參與下,向需要幫助民眾分發衣物、衛生用品和食品、睡袋、毛毯等「愛心背包」,每年受惠民眾數以千計。蓮慈上師帶動社區慈善活動不遺餘力,三十年如一日,2017年榮獲加拿大卑詩省政府頒發「社區成就獎」證書及徵章,是卑詩省首位以密宗金剛上師身份入選此榮耀的佛教傑出人士。
著書留世 導人向善
問事解迷津 時運現光明
瑜伽導師 惠人無數
1999年,蓮慈上師在UBC大學Chan Centre盛大舉行為世界和平祈福的「千禧水供大法會」,並首度對外公開表演瑜伽功法――「真佛金母功」。同年開始公開免費授課,惠人無數。有學員練功後,夜晚腿腳抽筋病症痊癒,有體弱畏寒症手腳變暖,有筋骨僵硬痛者變柔軟韌性增強,許多學員慢性病症得到改善。上師並受邀出訪美加、英國、法國、德國、瑞典、荷蘭、西班牙、臺灣、新加坡、馬來西亞、印度尼西亞等國家和地區教授瑜伽金母功,曾於臺灣舉行千人同場教功盛況,極為轟動。金母功學員遍布世界各地,健身益智,造福眾生。2004年錄制金母功教學DVD發行全世界,為世人留下千古瑰寶。
20.月白 (蓮慈信箱專欄第1集)
21.破曉 (蓮慈信箱專欄第2集)
22.蓮心 (蓮慈信箱專欄第3集)
– 密法教學
– 千江映月 (蓮生活佛文集導讀)
4.真佛公案參參參 (節錄自師尊文集)
- 溫哥華真佛報電子報網站閱讀 http://www.wtbnnews.org
- 溫哥華真佛報部落格 http://gmhome.tb-news.org/
- 蓮慈上師弘法臉書 https://www.facebook.com/liantzi.shi
- 臉書佛心佛情群組 https://www.facebook.com/groups/225535057651619/
Vajra Master Lian Tzi
An accomplished Buddhist master, lecturer, writer and yoga master, Master Lian Tzi stands out for her quiet leadership and steadfast dedication to promote peace, compassion and selfless community service. Lotus Light Charity Society’s inspired goal, “through caring and learning we help build a better tomorrow”, drives Master Lian Tzi’s commitment to the betterment of our community.
As the visionary Founding President of the Lotus Light Charity Society for 30 years, Master Lian Tzi guided its humanitarian mission to help Vancouver’s most vulnerable groups by developing manifold support programs and events such as the Hot Meal for the Homeless Program, Annual Winter Charity Drive, Lotus Light Charity Community Caring Day, and Children’s Backpack Program to name a few. These initiatives have positively impacted the lives of countless people, organizing much needed provisions to the most financially disadvantaged groups – low-income seniors, children, and thousands of homeless individuals. To maximize support for people in need, Master Lian Tzi collaborated with local businesses, community partners, and non-profits organizations, mobilizing the community in her altruistic mission. Her contribution not only spans her local community in Vancouver, but also in the communities served by the charity’s active 91 chapters around the world under her leadership.
Master Lian Tzi established the charity’s Annual Winter Charity Drive, now in its 28th year, and 12 years ago, she initiated and developed the Sleeping Bag program which sponsors and distributes thousands of sleeping bags and winter care packages to the impoverished residents and homeless in our community, in partnership with the homeless outreach program of Vancouver Police Department, BC Ambulance Service, and other community service organizations. Master Lian Tzi also established the Worldwide Annual Community Rice Donation program, which has contributed millions of pounds of rice since its inception in 1995 to food banks around the world, and has contributed over 380,000 lbs of rice locally to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank and other community organizations to-date. During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Maser Lian Tzi has shown her outstanding leadership in leading Lotus Light to establish many COVID-19 relief programs, including the COVID-19 Community Caring Drive – donated over 500,000 lbs of foods to help communities across Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley, more than six public Lotus Light Hampers Distributions benefited thousands of isolated seniors, migrant workers, new immigrants and low-income families, Lotus Light Emergency Kitchen – which provides free meals to homeless and impoverished seniors living in social housing units, and the Lotus Light PPE/Hand Sanitizer Drive which has distributed more than 100,000 masks and personal protective equipment along with nearly 1.25 million lbs of hand sanitizers/disinfectant wipes to people in need.
As a dynamic role model for community volunteerism and philanthropy, Master Lian Tzi continues to serve her community as an esteemed teacher, a champion of the underprivileged members of society, and an inspiration for countless people to work towards community betterment. Lotus Light Charity Society’s mission focuses on four primary sectors – social assistance, education, medical assistance, cultural awareness – and Master Lian Tzi’s myriad contributions and accomplishments can be seen below:
- promote the wisdom of timeless Buddhist teachings
- Annual national scholarships to assist students actively involved in community volunteerism to pursue post-secondary education. More than 250 students benefited.
- $35,000 total contribution to the Lotus Light Charity Society Mu-Shu Lee Memorial Scholarships, to recognize outstanding students in Buddhist Study, Education, Social Services, Pharmacy, or Medical Science at the University of British Columbia since 2013
- ESL classes to help new immigrants more easily adapt to English-speaking society
- establishment of a computer training facility at Vancouver’s Downtown East Education Centre
- $70,000 donated to the SYL Foundation’s Lotus Scholarship program since 2011
Social Assistance
- Annual donations of rice to local food banks worldwide (the Vancouver chapter has donated over 380,000 pounds to-date)
- Hot Meal for Homeless program gives out free lunch meals to the homeless each month at Oppenheimer Park of DTES Vancouver. Since 2015, LLCS has distributed 12,000 hot lunches to help homeless in Oppenheim Park. The Covid-19 Emergency Kitchen, established in 2020 to meet urgent needs for vulnerable groups, has prepared 30,000 meals to help homeless and low-income seniors in DTES community.
- Children Nutrient Backpack Program and Children Assistance Plan have donated grocery products to Strathcona Community Centre, and to inner city schools to help children in low income families. Since 2013, Lotus Light’s children programs have donated over 60,000 lbs of foods. The program has also donated a total of $20,000 gift cards benefit hundreds of impoverished students since 2021.
- Lotus Light annual Winter Charity Drive has been helping unhoused and low-income residents survive and find comfort during the harsh, cold winter months. The program has distributed over 600,000 winter garments to the homeless and impoverished residents in the Lower Mainland, with over 30 beneficiary shelters and charity organizations, as well as tens thousands local homeless and impoverished residents since 1995.
- LLCS Food Recovery Program: Delivering thousands of pounds of food to inner-city school children, low-income families and seniors monthly in partnership with local food producers, distributors and community agencies and saving valuable foods from landfills. Since the program’s inception in 2010, over 700,000 lbs of food has been successfully recovered. In 2023, LLCS is nominated by Second Harvest – Canada’s largest food rescue organization for the Food Rescue – Frontline Impact Awards.
- Free Income Tax Clinic: providing annual free income tax preparation service to help low-income seniors, new immigrants, and students to file tax return since 2003.
- “Gift of Sight” campaign collected over 45,000 pairs of used eyeglasses for Third World countries
- International disaster relief fundraisers (2021 BC Flood Relief Appeal, 2019 Mozambique Cyclone Idai Appeal, 2017 Mexico Earthquake Appeal, 2016 Fort McMurray Fire Relief, 2015 Nepal Earthquake Relief, 2013 Philippines Typhoon Relief, 2011 Japan Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Disaster, 2010 Haiti Earthquake, 2010 China Yu Shu Earthquake, 2009 Taiwan Typhoon Morakot, 2008 China Sichuan Earthquake, 2006 Hurricane Katrina, 2005 South Asia tsunami)
Cultural Awareness
- promote community and cultural awareness through support and participation in multicultural community events (SUCCESS “Walk with the Dragon”, world peace ceremonies)
- promote community caring through volunteer visits to low-income senior homes and local children’s hospitals
- provide language skills training in English, Mandarin, and Cantonese
- free weekly Golden Mother Yoga classes
Medical Assistance
- major contributor to Strathcona Community Children’s Dental Clinic
- funding support to Doctors Without Borders, Vancouver General Hospital & UBC Hospital Foundation
- active supporter of BC Children’s Hospital, Canadian Cancer Society, Canadian Diabetes Association, and other charitable organizations locally, nationally, and internationally
- Lotus Light PPE/Hand Sanitizer Drive has distributed more than 100,000 masks and personal protective equipment along with nearly 1.25 million lbs of hand sanitizers/disinfectant wipes to people in need
Special Honour
- On April 26, 2017, Master Lian Tzi has received the 2017 BC Community Achievement Award, which recognizes her long time care for the welfare of the homeless and impoverished residents in the Vancouver Downtown Eastside community. She is the first Tantrayana Master to receive this honour.
- On December 13, 2024, Master Lian Tzi has awarded the King Charles III Coronation Medal, which recognizes her outstanding contributions and services to help the vulnerable resident in the community.
Buddhist Master (Vajra Master of True Buddha School)
In 1989, Master Lian Tzi took refuge in Grandmaster Lu, H.H. Living Buddha Lian Sheng, founder of True Buddha School. On June 3, 1995, Master Lian Tzi took her monastic vows and was ordained as a vajra master of the True Buddha School, receiving the Vajra Acharya empowerment from H.H. Living Buddha Lian Sheng.
March 10, 1996 – Present Presiding Master, Lotus Light Temple
Since 1996, Master Lian Tzi has been the presiding master at Lotus Light Temple in Vancouver, BC Canada.
December 1997 – November 2002 Head of PR, True Buddha School Foundation
Master Lian Tzi was elected as the head of Public Relations and the spokesperson for the True Buddha Foundation for a five-year term.
October 2010 – Present Presiding Master, Lotus Light Monastery
Master Lian Tzi has established the Lotus Light Monastery in Richmond, BC and is the presiding Vajra Master.
Community Leader
1993 – 2007 Founding President, International Lotus Light Charity Society
Master Lian Tzi served as the founding president of the International Lotus Light Charity Society, with currently has 91 branches active around the world. The charity’s mandate is education, medical assistance, social assistance, cultural awareness and emergency disaster relief.
2007 – Present President, Lotus Light Charity Society (Vancouver)
Master Lian Tzi is the president of Lotus Light Charity Society (Vancouver), a local branch of the International Lotus Light Charity Society, guiding the charity to help the most vulnerable in Downtown Eastside Vancouver community and in other metro communities through the Lower Mainland, providing active leadership for the charity’s service programs (Hot Meal for the Homeless Program / Emergency Community Kitchen, Annual Winter Charity Drive, Lotus Light Community Caring Day, Annual Rice Donation Program and Children Assistance Plan / Children’s Backpack Program, and others).
October 1991 – November 2018 President, True Buddha News Publication Society
Master Lian Tzi had been the president of True Buddha News Publication Society for 28 years, (headquartered in Vancouver, BC Canada). Under her leadership, the international weekly newspaper True Buddha News had established 6 publication branches worldwide: USA (New York and Los Angeles), England, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Taiwan and Singapore. The circulation of the newspaper is approximately 100, 000 copies per week, including the web issues.
December 2018 – Present President of True Buddha News Publication Society (Vancouver)
Master Lian Tzi is the president of True Buddha New (Vancouver), a local branch of True Buddha News.
Yoga Lineage Founder and Master
Master Lian Tzi is the founder of “True Buddha Golden Mother Yoga”. At the 1999 Annual World Peace Ceremony at UBC’s Chan Centre, Master Lian Tzi’s performance of the Golden Mother Yoga dance lead to her recognition by H.H. Living Buddha Lian Sheng as a lineage holder of this unique yoga. She has a profound connection with the Golden Mother of the Primordial Jade Pond, one of the wisdom elders in the Taoist tradition which is equivalent to one of the five Dhyani Buddhas in Tantric Buddhism. This remarkable yoga is practiced to generate and connect the celestial pure energy from the heavenly Golden Primordial Jade Pond and the ground energy from the Earth.
1996 — 2001 Chair, Lotus Light Institute
Master Lian Tzi was the Chair of the Lotus Light Institute, which provided free ESL language programs for new immigrants and free weekly Yoga classes to the community.
Writer and Dharma Lecturer
1995 – Present
Master Lian Tzi has been writing a special column “Mailbox of Lian Tzi” on True Buddha News, to teach Buddhism in everyday life since 1999. She has published total of 25 books in her 28+ years of dharma teachings since 1995. Some of these books are published on the official website of True Buddha News (http://wtbnnews.org).
Books Published by Master Lian Tzi
- Floating Flowers in the Dreams.
- Inspiring Messages Fluttering in the Breeze.
Dharma Talk Discourses (講經說法文集):
- Expounding on the Jade Pond Golden Mother’s Universal Deliverance, Retrieval of Perfection, and Liberation through Meditative Stability and Wisdom Authentic Scripture
- Expounding on the Jade Pond Golden Mother’s Nourishment of Righteousness Authentic Scripture
- Expounding on the Jade Pond Golden Mother’s Great Compassionate Salvation from Obstruction Sutra
- Will Power Can Overcome Time and Space
- Heaven and Earth Can Be Created from One’s Heart
- Insights from the Unselfish Eyes
- When / If you Come Across Crisis
- The Breakthrough
- Expounding on the Golden Light Sutra
- My Monkhood
- Expounding on the Diamond Sutra
- Expounding on the Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra
- Expounding on the Buddha Explains the Benefits of Ordination Sutra
- Expounding on the Jade Pond Golden Mother’s Great Cultivation to Attain Complete Perfection Repentance Sutra
- Pure Heart – An Introduction to the collected works of Living Buddha Lian Sheng
- Expounding on the True Buddha Sutra
- Expounding on the Sutra on the Eight Realizations of the Great Beings
- Expounding on the Sutra of Forty-Two Sections
- My master has been teaching me for thirty years
- White Moon – True Buddha News Column: Lian Tzi’s Mailbox (Volume I)
- Break Dawn – True Buddha News Column: Lian Tzi’s Mailbox (Volume II)
- Lotus Heart – True Buddha News Column: Lian Tzi’s Mailbox (Volume III)
- I am not Lonely on the Road of Spiritual Cultivation
Electronic Publications (Websites and Facebook Pages of Master Lian Tzi’s dharma books and teachings)
- True Buddha Weekly News: http://wtbnnews.org
- Lotus Light Temple: http://temple.vllcs.org/
- Lotus Light Charity Society (Vancouver): http://vllcs.org/
- Master Lian Tzi’s Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@lotuslightdreamworks1454
- Master Lian Tzi’s Dharma Blog : http://gmhome.tb-news.org
- Master Lian Tzi’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100007699421740
- Master Lian Tzi’s Facebook Dharma Discussion Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/225535057651619/
- Lotus Light Charity Society Vancouver Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Lotus-Light-Charity-Society-Vancouver/154082534623914
- Lotus Light Monastery Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/浩然精舍/141108652635372