【High King Avalokitesvara Mudra :】

  1. hkky mudra1Internal Turning the Dharma Wheel Mudra:
    Form a circle with the thumb and index finger of the left hand facing outward, extend the middle finger, ring finger and little finger to point straight up. Form a circle with the thumb and index finger of the right hand facing inward, extend the middle finger, ring finger and little finger to point away from you while locking the right hand circle to the left hand circle. Hold palms together with a space in between.
  2. hkky mudra2External Turning the Dharma Wheel Mudra:
    Form a circle with the thumb and index finger of the left hand facing outward, extend the middle finger, ring finger and little finger to point straight up. Form a circle with the thumb and index finger of the right hand facing inward, extend the middle finger, ring finger and little finger pointing straight away from you. Hold palms together with a space in between and the right hand circle behind the left hand circle.

Seed Syllable "Di'

【High King Avalokitesvara Seed Syllable :】


【High King Avalokitesvara Mantra :】

「Om。 Lee-poh-lee-poh-deh。 kyo-he-kyo-he-deh。 toh-loh-nee-deh。nee-he-la-deh。 pee-lee-nee-deh。mo-he-kya-deh。 jen-len-chen-deh。so-ha。」

【High King Avalokitesvara Dharmalakṣaṇa Brief Introduction】

High King Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva wears a Seven-Buddha crown and has the appearance of a buddha. Her face is as round as the full moon. Her right hand forms the Dharma Discourse Mudra and left hand forms the mudra of equality. She is wearing a multi-layered celestial dress with the Seven-Buddha Mantra on it. Necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and anklets adorn her body and there is a gold Sanskrit syllable on her back. She stands on a rainbow colored lotus and her entire body emits brilliant light that radiates throughout all the worlds of the ten directions and three times.

【Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu Dharma Talk – High King Avalokitesvara Background and Magnificence】

High King Avalokitesvara wears a Seven-Buddha crown. She is the Dharma Prince of the Seven Buddhas.

The Seven Past Buddhas are Vipasyin, Sikhin, Visvabhu, Krakucchanda, Kanakamuni, Kasyapa, and Sakyamuni.
The most revered scriptures of the True Buddha School are the ”True Buddha Sutra” and the ”High King Avalokitesvara Sutra.”

Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu has the most profound affinity with ”High King Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.” In olden days, at the ”Jade Emperor Palace” Abbot Shi Huiling gave Grand Master Lu a copy of the ”High King Avalokitesvara Sutra” (”High King Sutra” for short). Since then, Grand Master Lu has recited this sutra daily.

The ”High King Avalokitesvara Sutra” is a ”dream sutra,” that is, the sutra was transmitted in a dream. The ”High King Avalokitesvara Sutra” was already extremely widespread and popular from the Wei, Jin and North-South Dynasties through the Tang and Sung Dynasties. Large numbers of people had memorized and recited this sutra and there had been enormous spiritual response. The ”High King Avalokitesvara Sutra” has endured through history for a very long time and this sutra was even transmitted to Korea and Japan. The Japanese version of the ”High King Avalokitesvara Sutra” can be found in Japan’s 88 temples.

The ”High King Avalokitesvara Sutra” was very widespread and popular during the Tang Dynasty. The people of the Xixia Dynasty all chanted the ”High King Avalokitesvara Sutra” and chanting it remained popular all through the Tang Dynasty. In the history of China, the Tang Dynasty was the most prosperous and glorious dynasty. This was due to the presence of High King Guanyin bodhisattva.

Buddhism was transmitted from India to Tibet, China, Korea, and finally Japan. From the fact that the ”High King Avalokitesvara Sutra” spread to Japan we can see that this sutra existed in buddhist countries a very long time ago.

The entire ”High King Sutra” is composed of the names of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. The billions of Clear Cool Treasure Mountain Bodhisattvas are the billions of bodhisattvas in Waitai Mountain. The Buddhas of Six Directions, the Ten Billion Vajra Treasury Buddhas and the Many Jewels Buddha are also named in the sutra. The complete version of the ”High King Sutra” includes invocation of the Eight Great Bodhisattvas: Avalokitesvara, Manjushri, Samantabhadra, Ksitigarbha, Maitreya, Akasagarbha, Vajrapani, and Sarvanivarana-Viskambhin. The sutra invokes these eight major bodhisattvas. The ”Seven Buddhas Mantra to Extinguish Sin” is also in this sutra. Upon reciting this sutra 1,000 times, one’s heaviest sins will be eliminated, one is liberated from the suffering of birth and death, and one is freed from all kinds of suffering.

There is a dramatic story about a very great tathagata who told a convicted criminal about the ”High King Avalokitesvara Sutra.” After hearing about it from the tathagata the prisoner chanted the sutra and received an amazing spiritual response. As a result, the ”High King Avalokitesvara Sutra” became widespread. It has been acknowledged as an ”authentic sutra” which means it is genuine and a true transmission of the buddhas and bodhisattvas of the ten directions and three times.

Therefore, whether one seeks to score highly on a test, to have a child, to have sufficient wealth, to be loved and respected, to purify the heaviest sins, to eliminate illness due to karma, or rebirth in the Pure Land, etc., the High King Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva always answers one’s prayers. Avalokitesvaras from all the ten directions and all Bodhisattvas will come to help you because there is a verse in the ”High King Avalokitesvara Sutra” stating that ”Avalokitesvaras from the ten directions and all Bodhisattvas vow to save all sentient beings and one will be liberated when calling upon them (all of one’s bad karma will be purified and eliminated). ”

After Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu became enlightened, when he first turned the Dharma Wheel, he understood that the ”High King Avalokitesvara Sutra” has infinite, boundless, and incredible merit. This sutra was emanated by Guru Padmasambhava as an expedient means to deliver all sentient beings. It will completely fulfill dharma marks and save all sentient beings. It enables a perfect understanding of Sutrayana and Vajrayana teachings and it allows sentient beings to obtain great wisdom and achieve the deathless vajra body. If the practitioner who recites the ”High King Avalokitesvara Sutra” can add 108 recitations of the Brilliant Six Syllable Mantra ”om。ma-ni。pad-me。hum。” and practice the visualization of ”The Dharma of Four-Armed Avalokiteshvara,” then thirty six heavenly deities will protect the practitioner day and night. All the ghosts and spirits will respectfully obey the practitioner’s orders. The merit of reciting this sutra is truly infinite.

  • The first scripture that I (Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu) received at the Jade Emperor Temple was the ”High King Avalokitesvara Sutra.”
  • The first scripture that I (Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu) memorized completely was the ”High King Avalokitesvara Sutra.”
  • The first scripture that I (Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu) received spiritual response from was the ”High King Avalokitesvara Sutra.”
  • The first scripture that I (Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu) widely transmitted was the ”High King Avalokitesvara Sutra.”
  • Therefore, I (Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu) say, ”True Buddha School reveres the High King Avalokitesvara Sutra.”
  • I believe in the words written in this sutra: ”One is liberated from the suffering of birth and death and freed from all kinds of suffering.” Hence, I recited this sutra for a long, long time, and did obtain spiritual response.
  • The ”High King Avalokitesvara Sutra” possesses the purest dharma benefit.
  • The ”High King Avalokitesvara Sutra” possesses the highest revered pure land of the buddha.
  • The ”High King Avalokitesvara Sutra” possesses the highest dharma banner.
  • All disciples of the ”True Buddha School” should revere the ”High King Avalokitesvara Sutra,” should complete 1,000 recitations of this Sutra, and should chant it throughout their lifetime. It will transform one into a pure land that one merges within oneself. You must treasure this sutra in your heart forever.

According to historical records, all the citizens of ”Xi Xia Dynasty” recited the High King Sutra. At that time, the Royal Seal of the Xi Xia Dynasty was engraved with ”Great White High Country.” Emperors Jing Zhong, Ren Zhong and Mo Di of the Xi Xia Dynasty (Great White High Country) were all reincarnations of Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu. The first Buddha mentioned in the ”High King Sutra” is ”Namo the Pure Light Secret Buddha.” This buddha’s full name should be ”Pure Light Padmakumara Secret Buddha.” The ”Pure Light Secret Buddha” is actually ”Padmakumara.”

Mr. Ding Fubao was a great master of Buddhism (editor of the ”Dictionary of Buddhist Studies”). He regarded the ”High King Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva” the highest, the most superior, and supreme, like the King. There is none higher than the King, and therefore this sutra is called the ”High King Avalokitesvara Sutra.” This was the explanation given by Mr. Ding Fubao. Actually, ”Great White High Country” is the ”High King Avalokitesvara Country” created by the ”Great White Padmakumara.”

I (Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu) urge everyone to recite the ”High King Avalokitesvara Sutra” not just 1000 times but the more the better. Because you have a profound affinity with all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Mahasattvas of the ten directions and three times, in the future all of you will attain enlightenment. In addition to reciting the ”Seven Buddhas Mantra to Extinguish Sin” you must also invoke the Eight Great Bodhisattvas. As it is very important to invoke the Eight Great Bodhisattvas, you must add this invocation to your recitation.

【High King Avalokitesvara Sadhana:

Start by praying for the root lineage blessing: First empty the mind. Next, visualize the Root Lineage Guru Living Buddha Lian-sheng appearing above your crown and radiating light on everyone present. Chant the Root Lineage Guru Heart Mantra 7 times. Pray to the Root Lineage Guru to empower you so that the practice will be auspicious.

Engender the Four Immeasurable Minds: Visualize your parents, children, relatives, friends, and enemies join you in this practice.

Wake-Up Call : Clap twice, then cross hands and snap thumbs and middle fingers.

    1. Recite the Purification Mantras and Earth God Mantra
    2. Recite the Invocation Mantra
    3. Tender the Great Homage with Visualization
    4. Mandala Offering
    5. Fourfold Refuge
    6. Armor Protection
    7. Recite the High King Avalokitesvara Sutra (1 time).
    8. Recite the Rebirth Mantra (7 times).
    9. Recite the Root Guru’s Heart Mantra (108 times):
      Om, gu-ru, lian-sheng sid-dhi hum
    10. Mudra and Visualization
      High King Avalokitesvara Mudra (Internal or External Turning the Dharma Wheel Mudra):
      hkky mudra1
      Internal Turning the Dharma Wheel Mudra:
      Form a circle with the thumb and index finger of the left hand facing outward, extend the middle finger, ring finger and little finger to point straight up. Form a circle with the thumb and index finger of the right hand facing inward, extend the middle finger, ring finger and little finger to point away from you while locking the right hand circle to the left hand circle. Hold palms together with a space in between.
      hkky mudra2
      External Turning the Dharma Wheel Mudra:
      Form a circle with the thumb and index finger of the left hand facing outward, extend the middle finger, ring finger and little finger to point straight up. Form a circle with the thumb and index finger of the right hand facing inward, extend the middle finger, ring finger and little finger pointing straight away from you. Hold palms together with a space in between and the right hand circle behind the left hand circle.
      Seed Syllable: DiSanskrit Di Syllable

      Visualization: First empty the mind
      Chant the Emptiness Mantra:
      Om, si-ba-wa, su-da, sa-er-wa, da-er-ma, si-ba-wa, su-do-hang. (3 times)

      (1)Above an expanse of ocean is a stretch of clear sunny sky. A moon disc rises from the ocean into the sky. Inside the moon disc is seed syllable「Sanskrit Di Syllable」”di,” emitting great light. The color of the seed syllable is visualized in accordance with what the practitioner is praying for. If the practitioner is praying for calamity eradication, the practitioner visualizes a white seed syllable emitting white light; fortune enrichment, yellow seed syllable emitting yellow light; love and respect, red seed syllable emitting red light; and subjugation, blue seed syllable emitting blue light.

      (2)The seed syllable inside the moon disc revolves and transforms into High King Avalokitesvara. She wears a Seven-Buddha crown with her right hand displaying a mudra of teaching and left hand, a mudra of equality. The seven past Buddhas are: Vipasyin, Sikhin, Visvabhu, Krakucchanda, Kanakamuni, Kasyapa, and Shakyamuni.

      (3)From the brow point of the High King Avalokitesvara, a beam of white light shines onto one’s brow point. From the throat of the High King Avalokitesvara, a beam of red light shines onto one’s throat. From the heart of the High King Avalokitesvara, a beam of blue light shines onto one’s heart. The three lights of white, red, and blue merge completely into one’s body-mind.

    11. Recite the High King Avalokitesvara Heart Mantra (108 times):
      Om, Lee-poh-lee-poh-deh, kyo-he-kyo-he-deh, toh-loh-nee-deh, nee-he-la-deh, pee-lee-nee-deh, mo-he-kya-deh, jen-len-chen-deh, so-ha.
    12. Entering Samadhi
    13. Emerging from Samadhi
    14. Praise Verse
      Jing-li-gao-wang-guan-shi-yin Guo-qu-qi-fo-fa-wang-zi
      Zhen-fo-pu-chuan-gao-wang-jing Hu-guo-you-min-li-zhu-ku.
      (Homage to High King Avalokitesvara
      The Dharma prince of the seven past Buddhas
      True Buddha School promoting the High King Sutra
      Protects the country and alleviates people’s suffering.)
    15. Recite the Principal Heart Mantras
    16. Recite the Buddha’s Name (3 times)
      Na-mo san-shi-liu-wan-yi yi-shi-yi-wan jiu-qian-wu-bai tong-ming-tong-hao ah-mi-tuo-fo.
      Namo the 36 trillion 119 thousand and 500 Amitabha Buddhas.
    17. Dedication
    18. Recite the Hundred Syllable Mantra (3 times)
    19. Tender the Great Homage with Visualization (same as step 3)
    20. Recite the Completion Mantra
      Om, Bu Lin. (3 times)
      Om Mani Padme Hum.

Dismissal: Clap twice, then cross hands and snap thumbs and middle fingers.

End of Practice: Xiu-fa yuan-man, ru-yi ji-xiang. May all endeavors be auspicious.

Note: Visualization of entering into and merging with High King Avalokitesvara: High King Avalokitesvara transforms into a light pearl which enters through practitioner’s crown opening and rests atop the lotus at the heart chakra. High King Avalokitesvara’s body gradually enlarges until it is the same size as the practitioner. (The practitioner and High King Avalokitesvara merge completely. High King Avalokitesvara is the same as the practitioner and the practitioner is the same as High King Avalokitesvara. There is no separation between the two.)

An empowerment must be received from Living Buddha Lian-sheng or an authorized True Buddha School master before one engaging in this particular sadhana.

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