
蓮花童子有千百億身 接引微塵眾生 <蓮生法王盧勝彥2015年7月25日西雅圖雷藏寺週六同修「觀世音菩薩本尊法」大圓滿法第157講開示> 敬禮傳承祖師,頭頂著傳承祖師,了鳴和尚,薩迦證空上師,十六世大寶法王噶瑪巴,吐登達爾吉上師,敬禮壇城三寶,敬禮今天同修本尊「南摩大慈大悲觀世音菩薩」。

True Buddha Dharma-character Treasury – High King Avalokitesvara

True Buddha Dharma-character Treasury – High King Avalokitesvara

【High King Avalokitesvara Mudra :】 Internal Turning the Dharma Wheel Mudra: Form a circle with the thumb and index finger of the left hand facing outward, extend the middle finger, ring finger and little finger to point straight up. Form a circle with the thumb and index finger of the right hand facing inward, extend […]

True Buddha Dharma-Character Treasury – Kalachakra

True Buddha Dharma-Character Treasury – Kalachakra

【Kalachakra Mudra :】 Positions both palms facing oneself and have the right palm on top of the left. Interlace all fingers of both hands so that the right thumb is on the right of the left little finger and the left thumb is on the left of the right little finger. Bend both thumbs towards […]